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Postby Gal » 27 Mar 2014, 15:08

I am posting to get some advice re our two greyhounds barking. Tip (male, un-neutered) is the main culprit, we can tell it's him because our female, spayed bitch Tegan has a much higher 'yip' type bark whereas Tip's is deeper.

To explain - they are kenneled during the day with a pen so they can get fresh air. When Tom gets home from work about 5ish, he walks them both and feeds them, they are walked about 9pm and in the morning before he goes to work. I walk them at lunchtime, or he pops home in the morning if he is close by to do this. They spend evenings in the conservatory with the radio on or the tv, and they are perfectly happy. They get lots of love and affection, we often sit in there with them.

But - around 4.30ish every morning, Tip will set off barking. He won't shut up until T gets dressed and goes to walk them. It's getting earlier and earlier and the mornings aren't even that light yet! Sometimes it's later but today was shortly after 4.30. This means that Tom stays up as he starts work at 7 so it's pointless going back to bed, but my sleep is disturbed not to mention our neighbours! Then he is shattered by 8ish in the evenings....and this is every day :( It clearly cannot continue - has anybody any advice or help for our situation? Tom has always had greyhounds and always kenneled them so the situ is not unusual - Tip is nearly 5 and Tegan is almost 4.

Re: Barking

Postby Diflower » 27 Mar 2014, 16:14

Sorry Gal I've never had a barker but hope you get some help.
Has he tried going down but talking to them firmly, saying No, go back to bed - and leaving them again?
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Re: Barking

Postby Gal » 27 Mar 2014, 16:39

He did this morning, more growled out the back door for them to "shaddduppp!!!" but by that time was wide awake so got on with getting ready for work.

They did quieten a bit then, mind....

Re: Barking

Postby Diflower » 27 Mar 2014, 16:53

I can imagine :lol:
I was thinking back to my rescue dog, he would start making a noise in the middle of the night, just wanting company I think. Not barking, just a yip and pawing at the door. I'd just go down and stroke him briefly, make him go back on his bed and speak as above, it didn't take long for him to realise he wasn't winning.
Just shouting is awfully tempting but I don't think they'd actually understand or get the message :)
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Re: Barking

Postby Gal » 27 Mar 2014, 17:16

I have been reading up about it this afternoon. It's a bit of a minefield as some sites advocate some things and some others :roll:

I think it's more the tone of his voice that stopped Tip this morning, but we need to find a method of keeping him quiet until WE are ready to start the day, not when they are :|

Not sure how that's going to present itself :|

Re: Barking

Postby Kaz » 27 Mar 2014, 18:12

Gosh I wish I knew!!! Fraggle wakes first at around 7ish, although it is getting earlier with the lighter mornings :? He doesn't bark but moves around a bit, and that seems to set Pepper off barking! This doesn't stop until Mick gets up (has to be M, she carries on barking if I do it) :roll:

They also both start to bark and fuss as soon as we've finished our evening meal - this carries on until Mick walks them, telling them off, clicking, whatever doesn't make a blind bit of difference.............. :? :roll:

Let us know if you find a 'cure' Gal, I'd love to know :?
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Re: Barking

Postby Gal » 27 Mar 2014, 21:52

I found this this afternoon, not sure how it would help US, but may help you Kaz xx

This evening they are both in the conservatory as usual. Smudge has been to the door (fully glazed) and Tip saw him and went bananas, as per...we let Smudge in through another door, Tip settled down again.

We are going to put an old radio on a talk channel very low overnight to see what that does. :( We can't go on like this.

Re: Barking

Postby Kaz » 27 Mar 2014, 22:55

Oh thanks, have had a quick look but will read it properly in the morning 8-) :)

I hope you and T can find a solution, that is so very early :( xxx
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Re: Barking

Postby meriad » 28 Mar 2014, 12:13

Not much advice to give but for a start I'd get Tip neutered asap as that usually calms them down.

And I realise they're used to being kennelled, but have you thought about loking them in your kitchen overnight instead (if you can that is)? This time of year the wildlife is really active early in the morning and I suspect Tip's hunting instinct is in full swing which is why he's kicking off that early. Whereas in the kitchen they'd still be confined but hopefully not as aware of the outside?
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Re: Barking

Postby Gal » 28 Mar 2014, 17:58

My kitchen it tiny Meri - two big dogs like that is a no-go I'm afraid.

I've mentioned leaving them in the conservatory all night but T hasn't taken me up on that. Last night we tried the radio thing but Tip still started barking at 5, albeit just as T was getting up! We have a few creaky floorboards upstairs and I'm sure Tip must hear him walking on them! :shock: :roll:

Yes I think you could be right about having him neutered....we had Tegan done at Christmas but tbf she was never a noisy girl, but obviously one of them needed 'done' otherwise every time she had a season they'd have to be separated. Poor Tegan got the short straw.

Shall think about that one, thanks xx


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