I'm such a wuss!

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I'm such a wuss!

Postby Kaz » 24 Apr 2014, 08:14

I am probably being really soppy, but I am really worried about leaving my little Fraggle at the kennels while we are away :oops: Pepper has been kennelled before and was absolutely fine, so I have no real concerns about her, but Fraggle is different! We've only had him for 6 months, and are only just really putting the 'teething' problems behind us with him, and I'm worried this will set him back! He is so clingy still, in a soft and cuddly way, that I feel like we are abandoning him :oops: The last time he was left in a kennels (the rescue kennels) he was being dumped and the thought he might think we are dumping him has had me nearly in tears :roll: :cry:

The lady at the kennel was very sweet when I explained my concerns, and said that as they are also a rescue, as well as boarding kennels, they are used to rescue dogs and will give him extra cuddles, which is great of them - but I am still upset about leaving him :roll: :oops: :oops:
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Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby Diflower » 24 Apr 2014, 09:17

Aww Kaz (((x)))
You know very well there's no point whatsoever in worrying. He'll be safe, he'll be with Pepper, and he'll be with people who understand. And the second he gets back to you he'll no doubt forget all about it - and you'll get the biggest 'welcome home' you ever got in your life :D .
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Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby Kaz » 24 Apr 2014, 09:21

Thanks Di, I know I'm being daft :oops: :roll: :lol:

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Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby Diflower » 24 Apr 2014, 09:41

Yeah, I know you do ;)
Just promise you won't waste a single second of your holiday 'worrying' :) x
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Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby meriad » 24 Apr 2014, 11:22

Kaz, I agree with Di - he will be fine; esp as he will have Pepper with him. If you have an older T-shirt you don't mind sparing, why not sleep in that tonight and tomorrow (depending on when they go in) and take that with them so they have your scent with them. And a few favourite toys and maybe a favourite blanket as well?

(((hug))) it's horrid leaving them behind; I really struggle whenever I go away. I'm fine when I'm away but the day before I'm due to come home I really start missing my pets and looking forward to walking through that door :lol:

And I bet you, when you come back - you'll have two über-excited pooches on your hand :)

PS: and I know it's different for cats vs dogs; but a friend of mine has a very shy cat and whenever they go away they put them all into a cattery. And with each cattery visit her Harry has just grown in confidence and come on in leaps and bounds. Who knows, this may actually do Fraggle the world of good; him going to a kennel and then back to a place he knows may reaffirm to him that he has a proper forever home and help him settle even more
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Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby Kaz » 24 Apr 2014, 14:22

meriad wrote: Who knows, this may actually do Fraggle the world of good; him going to a kennel and then back to a place he knows may reaffirm to him that he has a proper forever home and help him settle even more

Oh Ria that has really helped, I never thought of it that way :)

Di, I promise ;)

Thank you both xxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby Gal » 24 Apr 2014, 17:13


I must be a right hard cow - I never think of Smudge going into kennels in a bad way, I think of it like he is going on his holidays as well as us, and we'll see him when we get back, which I look forward to very much! :D I'm sure Fraggles will be just fine, and as Ria says, it may well do him the world of good :D :D

Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby Kaz » 24 Apr 2014, 17:41

If we'd had him since a pup, and he hadn't been a stray and then abandoned I wouldn't be worrying - I think that's why Peps was ok last time, she doesn't have F's bad memories.... :oops:

But I am sure you are all right, I will try to stop worrying :oops: :roll:
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Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby Aggers » 24 Apr 2014, 22:56

Kaz - I can understand how you feel.

We are big softies about our Prince, too, and have never gone on holiday without him.

I know it's silly, but we do love him so much. He's 12 years old this month and we feel it
would be too traumatic for him if we abandoned him in a strange place.

You're not a wuss.

Re: I'm such a wuss!

Postby miasmum » 24 Apr 2014, 23:20

I worried about leaving Mia at the cattery the first time without Mowgli and she was more outgoing than she had ever been.

Please don't worry Kaz. Animals don't work like we do. Fraggs won't feel abandoned, because he has no memory as such. He'll just think, oh this is different and then just get on with it
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