Awful shock on Wednesday

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Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby Gal » 13 Jun 2014, 13:50

Tom had a day off on Wednesday. As I was going back up to work for the afternoon clinic he took our dogs Tip and Tegan out for their lunchtime walk. As he walked past one particular house, an Alsation came rushing out of the garden, untethered, and attacked Tip. The owner was in view but neither he nor Tom could get the dog off our Tip, with the result that poor Tip needed vets treatment, he has three punctures - two in his right hip and one just on his right shoulder, two of the punctures needed stapling at the vets and he is on medication to stop any infection. The experience left him very subdued, and in fact we have taken Tegan up to the farm so she can't bother Tip while he is convalescing.

Tom said the owner is to pay for the treatment, and he has apologised but we don't know if to take it further. After speaking to different people, one person who witnessed it happen at the time, it turns out the dog has attacked four dogs previously, he is a rescue dog and you just never know what such a dog has as history...

Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby Ally » 13 Jun 2014, 15:11

Oh what a shock for you all Gal - and poor Tip. :(
I hope he makes a full recovery.

I would be reporting the owner of the dog. :(
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Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby Diflower » 13 Jun 2014, 15:48

Oh poor Tip, and yes a big shock for you all, it's a horrid thing to happen.

Maybe (once the vet bill's paid), have another word, along the lines of, unless the dog's in a secure bit of garden and a muzzle when out, you'll be reporting it?
Difficult for the owner when it's a rescue but much worse for them if it should be a small dog that could easily be killed :?
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Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 13 Jun 2014, 18:10

I agree with Di, it might kill a small dog or god forbid attack a child :? :( :(

Poor Tip, sending hugs ((((x))))
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Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby JoM » 14 Jun 2014, 16:22

It's awful Gal, hope that Tip is doing okay now.

I was actually coming to post that Billy had been attacked yet again last night, by yet another Staffie. Tom and I were just joining the path onto the estate from the common with him to come home, he was on his lead, and a couple with a huge Mastiff type dog and a Staffie were just walking through the gateway to come onto the common. Immediately on seeing Billy, the Staffie ran full pelt along the length of the path which is about 100 yards long, barking, and started attacking Billy. Bill's pretty strong and stood his ground without getting nasty but whenever he moved the Staffie just jumped on him again, going for his neck each time. The man was shouting at the dog to get away, as were Tom and myself, and finally managed to drag him off by his collar. They didn't bother to check that Billy was okay or even apologise and as Tom said when we got home, it's no wonder the dog was so aggressive - we could still hear the man shouting (not sure whether it was at the dog or his wife, as they were arguing loudly amongst themselves as we walked away) as we walked towards our house in the next street :shock:

By some miracle, we can't see any injuries on him. He's been bitten by the Dalmation two doors down though and also by a Staffie a month or two back but I kept a close eye on both wounds and they healed okay.

I do know of the man with the Staffie though, his sister was the year below me at school and let's just say that they're just the kind of people to own status dogs :x

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Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 14 Jun 2014, 17:00

Oh poor Billy!!!! :shock: :( :evil: Maybe that dog should be reported too Jo :( :(

Hugs for you, and for Billy (((((x)))))
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Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby debih » 14 Jun 2014, 17:10

How awful for all of you (and the doggies).

I really think that any dog that attacks another dog on a regular basis should be reported to the police. Even if the police aren't able to do much about it then at least they are aware.

You must report it - think how you would feel if next time it is a child that you hear about being attacked!
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Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby Ally » 15 Jun 2014, 13:22

Oh poor Billy - I would have been scared witless in that situation. :shock:

I agree with Debih.
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Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby meriad » 16 Jun 2014, 09:16

gosh, what a worry for you all :(

I totally agree that you should report the dog attack; if for no other reason that next time it could be a child and if there is proof that the dog has attacked before, then hopefully it will be dealt with quicker.

I just don't understand that there are so many people that let their dogs out without being on a leash, esp when they know they have attacked before. In the end it's only the dog that will suffer the consequences
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Re: Awful shock on Wednesday

Postby miasmum » 16 Jun 2014, 23:32

Just seen this, poor Tip and poor Billy

Hope they are both recovering
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