Hair Bikers curries

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Re: Hair Bikers curries

Postby debih » 04 Sep 2014, 10:38

Thanks WM.

And thanks in advance to Di. :D :D :D
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Re: Hair Bikers curries

Postby Diflower » 04 Sep 2014, 22:20

You'd better like this Debih, I've had to copy it out - book too big to copy from on here - then type it... :D

For 16 portions, ie 4x4. Once made it can be left as is, or blitzed/blended, so for variety leave half, blend half.
Will keep for 3 days in fridge.
Can easily be halved to make 8 portions.

6 tbs oil
8 med onions, halved/sliced
12 cloves garlic, finely chopped
80g fresh ginger, ditto
2 big green chillies, ditto
4 teasp cumin seeds
4 teasp ground coriander
2 teasp turmeric
1 teasp garam masala
2 x 400g tins tomatoes
500ml cold water
2 teasp sea salt

Heat oil, add onion, garlic, ginger & chillies. Cover & cook on low 20-25 min, till v soft; uncover & stir occasionally.
Lid off, turn up heat, cook 10-15 min, stirring often, till nice and brown.
Add spices, cook 2 min.
Add toms, water & salt; bring to boil, simmer 20 mins, stirring regularly.
Remove from heat, blitz/blend or leave as is.
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Re: Hair Bikers curries

Postby Workingman » 04 Sep 2014, 22:31

It's almost the same as Madhur's tomato version, Di, except that the spices are in the basic curry paste.

Here that is:

Basic curry paste

3 chopped garlic cloves
1 Tbs cumin
2 dsp coriander
2 dsp paprika
1 dsp turmeric
1 tsp fenugreek
2 or 3 cloves
2 seeds from cardamom pods, husk removed
6 dried chillies

2 dsp tomato purée
veg oil

The above are all seeds so it's a mortar and pestle job unless you have something like a coffee grinder. Grind the dry spice ingredients to a rough powder. Add the chopped garlic and salt and grind a bit more. Add the tomato purée and a glop of oil and mix everything thoroughly. Transfer the paste to a pan with a little more oil and heat slowly mixing all the time till the oil starts to separate from the paste. Put in a sterilised jar and keep in the fridge once cooled.
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Re: Hair Bikers curries

Postby Diflower » 04 Sep 2014, 22:40

It would end up about the same, wouldn't it?
Personally I reckon the Bikers have looked at several and come up with a slightly more user-friendly version, ie for theirs you don't have to make the paste first.

Actually they also had asefoetida as an optional extra but I would never tell someone to add it unless they had either an industrial-strength extractor, or no sense of smell whatsoever. Which is a shame as it adds a lovely taste, but that smell just can't be eradicated. Ever.
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Re: Hair Bikers curries

Postby Workingman » 05 Sep 2014, 10:54

Di, asefoetida is one of my secret ingredients, along with ajwain seeds, but your dead right about the smell! :lol: I use only the tip of a teaspoon handleful for a four portion curry and then have to cook it with the windows open. :o

Ajwain give a hint of thyme to dishes without all the little stringy bits.
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Re: Hair Bikers curries

Postby Diflower » 05 Sep 2014, 11:31

WM I was once helping clean/clear a shop.
It had been a general newsagent/tobacconist/gift shop for years and years, for the last 5 run by an Indian family but had been empty for about 6 months.
There were no cooking facilities, and no-one lived above either. It had been almost completely emptied; there were no carpets.
The entire place smelt of asefoetida, it sort of crept up on you after a few minutes of being inside. As you scrubbed a wall, the smell got stronger...and they only ran the shop there.

I do still use it once in a while because it does add a certain something, but as you say, very very carefully, and always with door/window open, and extractor fan on!
As soon as we're finished, I use my spray of Stardrops mixed with vinegar and water, all over the cooker, worktop, tiles and cooker hood/ still takes a day or so to fade away :D
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Re: Hair Bikers curries

Postby Ally » 06 Sep 2014, 23:06

Ooooh just spotted this thread. :D

Mr Patel..from Mr Patel's Indian Spice Emporium in Erdington, Birmingham, very kindly told me (on one of my mammoth spice shopping days) that when using Asafoetida I must:

a) Use a teeny weeny amount

b) Have all windows, doors...and minds open! :lol:

c) Wash your hands after contact! :lol: :lol:

I really enjoy making a curry. :D :D
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