Prince's problem

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Re: Prince's problem

Postby tonicha » 09 Oct 2014, 20:54

Will be thinking of you all tomorrow xxx
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Re: Prince's problem

Postby saundra » 09 Oct 2014, 21:14

im so glad you have been on your holidays with prince and some happy days
will be with you tomorrow with thoughts and hugs xxx
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Re: Prince's problem

Postby JoM » 09 Oct 2014, 21:28

Oh Aggers, I'm so very sorry. You've made such a sad and difficult decision but the kindest one for your wonderful boy.
He's had such a lovely life with you and Mrs A and you'll all be in my thoughts and in my heart tomorrow.

With much love xx
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Re: Prince's problem

Postby Aggers » 09 Oct 2014, 22:39

A friend in need is a friend indeed - and what lovely friends you all are.

Thanks for your kind comments, which brought tears to my eyes. I am
so grateful that you confirm that we have made the kindest decision for
our darling Prince. Tomorrow will be such a long day.

Re: Prince's problem

Postby TheOstrich » 09 Oct 2014, 23:02

Just read this, and both Mrs O and I will be thinking very much of you all tomorrow.

Yes, it will be a long day, but as others have said, it's the kindest thing you can do for Prince. We walked that same road, a number of years ago now, with our Sammy, and I suspect more than a few other folk on this forum will also have done so in their time, so I'm sure all our thoughts will be with you.

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Re: Prince's problem

Postby miasmum » 09 Oct 2014, 23:05

Oh Aggers, I have wondered how your holiday was going and praying I wouldn't have to read this sad news.

I love your Prince, he is such a handsome boy. I am so glad you had your holiday and that Prince enjoyed it. Those memories will honestly help so much in the next few days and weeks.

The next few hours will truly be the longest and darkest, but in loving our pets we accept this responsibility and we do it with a heavy heart filled with love.

I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow xxxx
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Re: Prince's problem

Postby molly » 10 Oct 2014, 01:28

Aggers, I am so, so, sorry. I will be thinking of you later today.
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Re: Prince's problem

Postby Ally » 10 Oct 2014, 07:39

Oh Aggers - I am in tears here. :(

It's the saddest day for you and Mrs A - but Prince has had a regal life with you both, a truly much loved pet that has had the happiest of life with you both.

I will be thinking of you all today.

Sleep peacefully beautiful Prince. xx

(((((Aggers & Mrs A))))) xxxxxxxx
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Re: Prince's problem

Postby meriad » 10 Oct 2014, 09:04

Aggers wrote:I am so grateful that you confirm that we have made the kindest decision for our darling Prince.

The best advice I was given when I was struggling with my decision when the time came to say goodbye to my cat Jasper was: "rather a day too soon than a day too late" which is so very true.

You definitely are making the right and 100% the kindest for Prince - yet hardest for you - decision. xxxx
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Re: Prince's problem

Postby Osc » 10 Oct 2014, 10:27

Dear Aggers, this is the hardest decision to make and yet the greatest most unselfish thing we can do for our beloved pets - they wrap themselves around our hearts, don't they. I still remember the heartbreak saying goodbye to our lovely Oscar, even though it is over 5 years ago, but we knew it was the right thing to do. Sending you and Mrs. A much love and comfort today as you say goodbye to your beautiful Prince xxxxx
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