Leads to acts of conflict. Yes Jo Cox may have been murdered by a borderline lunatic, but I strongly blame those who have chosen to darkly manipulate the people rather than openly debate the issue.
My heart goes out to her widower and especially to her two children who are going to have to live through this traumatic time without the love and care of their mother.
Even worse, a whole load of politicians are going to be faced with Hobsons choice. They can't ignore it and to mention it is to "use" it to their benefit. Which is wholly abhorrent, but you can bet it's going to happen.
It doesn't change how I feel about the whole debate but it does change how I feel about those who have positioned themselves to win the debate but are too inarticulate to do it with honour.
Let use take one instance. Michael Gove is challenged by a Scientist that the EU "provides" funding to UK scientists by some magic of "giving them EU money".
What does Gove do? He just keeps telling him that he is wrong and that his figures don't add up.
What could he have done?
He could have invited the Physicist to give an accurate scientific definition of a positive contribution. Which, simply, is that once all the additions and subtractions are done, that the side which comes out with less, from it's start position, has benefitted the other side with a net contribution.
He could then have led him through the fact which nobody denies. That the UK is a net contributor to the EU. Then he could have challenged him to the fact that his assertion is only because he does not trust the UK government to retain that "EU funding" and pay for it with the money that comes back from the EU.
In short that the Physicist had just lied to everyone because he's scared that the government won't be as free with UK money as the EU is.
Instead it turned into a child's argument. Is, isn't, is, isn't.
Is it any wonder that tempers flare? That violence erupts.
Even I, who have every sympathy with Jo's children, am using her death to make a point. But I hope that she would agree. The point needs to be made. Act like sensible, reasoning, adults and keep the tempers down. Then perhaps we can avoid more tragedy.