Workingman wrote:Enough!
You Brexiters are ever so intelligent in your postings and we Remainers are complete idiots. Everything you say is Gospel and all will be well in the sunny uplands with gambolling Unicorns and Mermaids bathing in pristine inshore waters.
And if life turns out differently will you take ownership?
Not a chance! Remainers will be blamed for for the disaster. You Brexit cowards will run away: it's in your genes.
Yes! As an outsider looking in, it seems to me that the UK never really bought into the European thing, did it? Never fully went metric, spurned the Euro, happy to take the European money though.....because Europe is full of foreigners, isn't it, and their passports are a different colour. Does anyone really believe that come March 30th 2019, a magic wand will have been waved and all will return to being English again because.....(again I speak as an outsider) let's face it, those pesky Scots, Welsh and Irish are just troublemakers, aren't they, it's about being English (with the exception of Suff ) as epitomised by Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees Mogg.