Morning all - gosh you've all been busy
Ally I can't believe the parentals are heading back this weekend - that has just flown by. How is your dad doing?
Jo, pity you don't live closer - I'd have that cardboard off you for the allotment; it's perfect weed suppressant for the winter; once the beds are cleared; put the cardboard and then a layer of manure and let the weather and worms do the rest - super!
Jen, enjoy the movie
Kaz that's a lot of walking. I need to remember to check my fitbit before I go to bed; checked this morning and yesterday I did 9996 steps, so just 4 short of that 10 000 I try for
Jan, keep some winter clothes out - otherwise you may jinx it!
Crommers - fresh bread; yum - what type are you making?
Saundra hope you have a lovely day
Its a usual / usual one for me so far. Bossman from our US office just arrived in the office so it'll be a busier / buzzier day for everyone else; but I sit very separate so have peace and quiet
Sunny but nippy here and really quite desperate for some rain - just not Saturday please as we're having Thomas's 16th birthday BBQ
Have a lovely day everyone xx