Good afternoon (just!)! Overcast and coldish at the moment - we have a washing load flapping on the line but we need to keep an eye open that we don't get a shower.
Phoned the solar heating people and they seemed to recognize the problem as described, so I'll email them fuller details and they'll arrange a visit. We can "socially distance" inside the house when they come, they can access the controls in the airing cupboard and the loft ladder via the back door. As for our ongoing interior house painting saga, the lady painter is scheduled to come back for a couple of weeks at the start of June, and if she's willing, we'll be happy to have her to keep things moving.
I'm contemplating a visit today or tomorrow to the smaller of the two garden centres which are re-opening today - this one is run by a disability charity and per their website they do seem to have things sorted:
Wait in your car in the carpark until summoned by a steward
Only one person per car
Only 15 customers on site at any time
No visit more than 30 minutes
Pay contactless or card, no cash, and above all-
Come knowing what you want, no browsing.
Well that suits me, it'll be in and out for 4 Growbags.
Master O gave me a tomato "Growbar" for Christmas, I got it underway this week, and if the seeds in the wretched thing germinate (it's coconut fibre), I'll finish up with 12 cherry tomato plants! We'll see!
Glad Peps is looking better, Kaz. Hope Crommers and yourself are also feeling better.
Stay safe, all.