Good afternoon! Overcast, mainly, here with a few sunny intervals, but quite sultry out of the wind.
To Waitrose yesterday for the weekly shop. Going late (4:00) to avoid the queues, I found about 40 folk waiting patiently to get in! I can never get the timing right

Still, didn't have to wait too long to get entrance, and headed for the vegetables (where I wildly overbought green stuff) and the deli (where I wildly overbought sliced turkey and 'am.
The reason for this is that I have an eye on doings at the surgery. Will clinics be re-started? Will Ossie be summoned for his annual MOT? How much weight does a bird have to lose to meet the "agreed target" (which the medics regard as a contract and Ossie regards as something to be blagged away as far as possible

. "All this home baking, Miss, it woz the Covid wot dun it …") The answer currently appears to be 4-5kg

, so on the off-chance of getting the summons, the Diet starts on Monday. That means Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be just 3 helpings of cabbage soup with meat sarnies, hence the purchases above. Cavallo Nero cabbage, leeks, a broccoli head, courgettes, onions, celery, peppers.
To the garden this afternoon, where Mrs O was requested to trim Ossie's fevers

. "Not too much

," wailed the bird as Mrs O advanced with the shears. Half way through, it started to spit with rain. "I charge extra for a wet cut," intoned Mrs O

. …..
The bird is now in recovery.
Have a good day all.