Good Morning Sunday

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Good Morning Sunday

Postby JanB » 21 Jun 2020, 06:42

Morning everyone

Sunny and blowy :roll: Had to wear jeans and a cardi doing the watering :shock:

General pootling today, my fingers are too sore to do any more cutting back, so ironing it is :roll:

A swim and bbq later and that's about our day 8-)

Have as good a day as you can everyone xx
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby cromwell » 21 Jun 2020, 09:10

Blowy here too Jan, but not very sunny!
Morning all. MrsC has gone to our daughter's; she is a bit under the weather.
Chicken for dinner here.
I do sometimes wonder if and when we will get back to normal. It can't come soon enough!
Have a good day all.
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby cruiser2 » 21 Jun 2020, 09:44

Good morning cromwell JanB and any body else who is up.
It has rained in the night and it is still cloudy

Have been to Morrison's. They let us in early as there was no queue and no NHS waiting. We should only have gone in at 9.30 a.m.
Back home we are having a coffee and then just pootling.
Won't be posting tomorrow. Taking the car first thing for a service. Then after lunch will go to the bank for some cash and some other shopping.
It will include having new batteries in two watches. I take them to a stall in the indoor market. This has now reopened.
Then on Tuesday an engineer is coming aswe are thinking of changing to Virgin. There may be problems with the wiring where I want it to go.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby saundra » 21 Jun 2020, 11:04

Morning all its sunshine and then dull here
No tea and toast in bed today I couldn't be bothered
Sign of the times I think
Hope everyone has a good day all especially all you dad's
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby jenniren » 21 Jun 2020, 11:11

Morning all :D

It's dry, but overcast, definitely not a day for sitting in the garden.

E's been enjoying phone calls from the girls. No plans, just a nice lazy day. It's roast chicken for dinner later, vanilla blancmange with lemon and lime for pud. Oh and we'll be opening a bottle of bubbly too.

Hope you all have a good day, Happy Father's day xx
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby Kaz » 21 Jun 2020, 11:11

Afternoon everyone :)

Lazy Sunday here - up late, Mick I and wandered out for the papers, B is at work. Just dead-headed some roses. We have a chicken for dinner later :)

Just to let everyone know, there is a new post from Aggers on the Brum thread here on Cafe :) Lovely to hear from him :D

Have a good day everyone :) xxx
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby Osc » 21 Jun 2020, 11:12

Afternoon all, just. Mixed weather here, sun, cloud and fairly windy. I just hope it doesn’t rain as I have washing on the line. As usual, no particular plan for the day. I think Miss Osc will call down later to see Edward for Father’s Day. I’ll get out for a walk at some stage.
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby Gal2 » 21 Jun 2020, 12:29

Afternoon! :D

Happy Fathers Day :D I lost my dad in 1974...I can still remember his voice - just - but I don't dream about him very often. I'd love to.

Tom's gone for a round of golf with John and Lewis 8-) He left at 10 so I'm expecting him back soon, Amy called prior to that. Despite it being sunny, albeit a bit blowy - her and her Tom sat in the conservatory with us in the dining room!! I did say quietly to my Tom could they not go in the garden as it wasn't bad weather but he gave me a look to say oh it's not for long, but then ended up making them a cuppa *sigh*. I've sprayed everywhere down with Zoflora and left it for a bit. Honestly!! :roll:

I have had a nice morning, reading a bit, coloured my hair, put the towels in the wash. My 2 year old Dyson keeps cutting out while I'm cleaning, so I checked to see if it was still under guarantee - it isn't :roll: So now I'm uncertain what to do....there's a line of felt-y stuff on the bottom of the cleaner which has come astray, I wonder if that's what's stopping the brush barrel from I've glued it back. No idea how that's happened, or if it will work, but fingers crossed it does!! I have a cordless GTECH as well luckily, so I'm not stuck, but I'd prefer the Dyson to be right.

Enjoy the day xxx
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby TheOstrich » 21 Jun 2020, 13:44

Good afternoon! Overcast, mainly, here with a few sunny intervals, but quite sultry out of the wind.

To Waitrose yesterday for the weekly shop. Going late (4:00) to avoid the queues, I found about 40 folk waiting patiently to get in! I can never get the timing right :roll: .
Still, didn't have to wait too long to get entrance, and headed for the vegetables (where I wildly overbought green stuff) and the deli (where I wildly overbought sliced turkey and 'am.

The reason for this is that I have an eye on doings at the surgery. Will clinics be re-started? Will Ossie be summoned for his annual MOT? How much weight does a bird have to lose to meet the "agreed target" (which the medics regard as a contract and Ossie regards as something to be blagged away as far as possible :mrgreen: . "All this home baking, Miss, it woz the Covid wot dun it …") The answer currently appears to be 4-5kg :( , so on the off-chance of getting the summons, the Diet starts on Monday. That means Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be just 3 helpings of cabbage soup with meat sarnies, hence the purchases above. Cavallo Nero cabbage, leeks, a broccoli head, courgettes, onions, celery, peppers.

To the garden this afternoon, where Mrs O was requested to trim Ossie's fevers :D . "Not too much :o ," wailed the bird as Mrs O advanced with the shears. Half way through, it started to spit with rain. "I charge extra for a wet cut," intoned Mrs O :twisted: . …..

The bird is now in recovery.

Have a good day all.
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Re: Good Morning Sunday

Postby JanB » 21 Jun 2020, 15:23

:lol: :lol: Ossie :lol: :lol:

It as haircut day for us too 8-)

Grumpy had to re-do one part :roll: my hair is dead straight, so no idea how/why he missed that clump :lol:
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