Morning you lot
another hot day here, but I'm loving it.... the cats have become pro's at finding cool spots in the garden so generally a lovely peaceful time. I went to the allotment this morning just after 7 to do a bit of watering and weeding and it's just so tranquil there. I have to set an alarm on my phone to remind me to come home in time for 'work'

Kitchen continues to be a slow work in progress; the super wonky walls slowed us down quite a bit. Last night we put the blocks on the floor for the kitchen island bit (well it's a return of units to create a u-shape) and tonight Karl is coming by so we can attach the units to the blocks. Tomorrow the counter top hopefully will go on which means I can then start building drawers and start filling one or two cupboards. And then Saturday the oven and hob should go in as will the basin (I think). There's still quite a bit additional stuff to be done such as fixing walls and plugs etc but that can be done in stages. Oh and I need to buy a new radiator for what was the passage area - the old one that was there is now gone; and I'm not sure the one in the dining area will be enough in winter. But we'll see - and again; that has time before it needs doing.
My new induction pots arrived yesterday as did my new office chair - I've been using a dining chair up until now and it's not been the most comfy; so now I've bought a bright yellow padded chair on wheels; makes things a lot more comfy and easier
Jan, enjoy the dinner tonight - congratulations to you both x
Crommers, please do be careful with the poison - it's horrid stuff and the problem is the rat will eat it and then run off and be eaten by something else and then that creature (owl, fox, cat, something else) will be poisoned to. Not to cause controversy, but I really really hate poison and it's a very cruel way to kill anything. If there isn't a food source around the rat will soon move on

I was woken the other day by an odd noise so went out to investigate and saw an owl on top of a tree trunk in my neighbours garden. Such beautiful animals.
Kaz, hope the shopping goes OK. The few times I've been in an actual shop (vs online shopping or click & collect) I've gone late in the evening and it's been a pleasure with no queue.
Ally, enjoy shopping and that beer later today
Have a lovely day all - stay as cool as you can x
Have a lovely day all x