Good morning Sunday

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Good morning Sunday

Postby Ally » 28 Jun 2020, 04:19

Good morning.


Off for a quick run, back for a swim then making a round of bacon rolls. :D

Jacob's coming over late morning for the day so the 4 of us are going to Gambrinus for lunch. :D :D

Still haven't watched Sewing Bee final :shock: so I'll do that tonight. :lol:

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby JanB » 28 Jun 2020, 07:03

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Cool, grey and windy. Not nice :shock: :( But it will warm up later today and will get rather warm 8-)

Not sure what we'll be doing today, my fingers are better so will probably make them blister again and cut off the spikey leaves from a lot of our plants :roll: :lol: Grumpy will probably finish off the bench. Just need to get some stain and brackets when we go into Ourique next week, then Fatima can have her garden bench :D

Dinner depends on what the weather does. It can be leftover curry and chips or flan and salad 8-)

Have a good day everyone ,whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby cromwell » 28 Jun 2020, 10:30

Cool grey and windy here as well Jan, but it probably won't heat up later.
The bbq had to be cancelled yesterday, we couldn't depend on the weather. it did rain on and off throughout the day, including when we would have been eating. No problems though.
Another day of not doing too much here.
Have a good day all.
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby saundra » 28 Jun 2020, 10:58

Morning all its rain gales and bits of sunshine here
Usual summer weather at least the beaches won't be crowded
It's pork chop and proper Sunday dinner today
Then I know it's Sunday
Have a good day all
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby jenniren » 28 Jun 2020, 11:15

Morning all :D

The sun's out now, but we had rain first thing. There are a lot of clouds about and it's quite windy so anyone's guess how the day will turn out :?

Absolutely no plans, sadly it's definitely not a garden day so I'll probably be very lazy and get stuck into another book. Roast chicken with salad for dinner this week. Strawberry blancmange with blackcurrant jelly for pud.

Hope you all have a good day, stay safe xx
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Kaz » 28 Jun 2020, 12:40

Afternoon everyone :)

Been busy today, so far. Mick dropped B at work, then we were up at B&Q for just after it opened, looking at fittings for the en suite. Found the ones we wanted, new shower cubicle, loo, wall cabinets and sink vanity unit. They didn't have enough of the tiles we wanted, but at least now we're decided on colour and design, so can source some online. We also got some fence paint and new solar lights, as some of the old ones are broken. Picked up a few bits there that D needed, so dropped them round to hers and sat in the garden with a cuppa :)

Just put some chicken legs and leftover new potatoes in the oven to roast, with a bit of oil and rosemary. Leftover crumble and ice cream for pud 8-) It's rainy now, after a morning of very breezy sunshine, so we're watching Young Montalbano on the iPlayer 8-)

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone :) xxx
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Osc » 28 Jun 2020, 13:16

Afternoon everyone. All sorts of weather here, rain, sun (not much) wind and cloud. We did get out for a decent walk though, and only got some rain blown wind for a short while. I need to do a bit of housework this afternoon, but nothing too strenuous ;)
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Gal2 » 28 Jun 2020, 15:46

It's a wild wild day here today!! We've had some showers, but STRONG winds, almost gale force! I'm crossing everything that I don't lose too many plants!!

Tom's been out for golf with John and Lewis again, they enjoyed last week so much! The wind won't have been kind, but at least they were getting exercise and SOME sunshine!! I popped out to the newly opened B&M and stood in a queue, but it was very long and quite slow moving....and when a heavy shower started I left quick smart! So a trip out for nothing but at least it was a drive out :D Got to make the most of them while I can!!!

I'm doing huge chicken breasts and veg for tea, so a sort of Sunday dessert but I'm sure we'll find something, there's still some individual apple pies and custard :)

Kaz that's some shopping!!! 8-) I really MUST arrange the plumber to come and quote me for a new's at least 4 or maybe 5 years since I started to think about it!! Tom's not a DIYer sadly....he's got the time atm, too!!

Enjoy what's left of Sunday xx
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