I haven't seen today's figures yet, but as we know, daily cases have rocketed spectacularly during the last week. Given that the gestation period for the bug (from what we know of it) is around 7-14 days, and potential hospital admissions follow 7-14 days after that, I think it's too early to say that this third wave will not give rise to serious cases and hospital cases a month down the line. Basically, let's see what happens to the daily cases next week - is there still massive growth? - and then where we are a fortnight on with hospitalisations - have the vaccinations broken the link with death?.
A fortnight on, by coincidence, is actually June 21st. A prudent decision would, to my mind, be to roll on the restrictions until July 7th or so.
I know that's not going to be a popular view on this forum (or any forum, for that matter
), but it's what I'd do. And if they do decide to delay the easing of restrictions, please don't shoot the messenger .....