Morning all, it should be sunny but mist keeps drifting in from the sea, and at the moment the sun doesn’t seem to be burning it off.
Well, last night turned out to be a bit different than usual. Recently, I’ve been having intermittent episodes of chest pain, but the last couple of days, I had one Friday evening, during Friday night and again yesterday evening while sitting watching tv. I didn’t think I could handle the stress of another episode, so around 10pm we headed off to A&E by taxi. Of course in the way of these things, it had eased off by the time I got there. However, I was fully checked out, ECG, bloods and chest X-ray all clear to my great relief. The doctor felt it is something digestive or muscle related, will send all results to my doc and felt no need to refer me to a cardiologist. We were very fortunate, A&E was very quiet (unusually for a Saturday night) but it all takes time, and we didn’t get to bed until 4.45am, so we are pretty tired as you can imagine. I had brought a book and Edward had a book on his phone to listen to. I felt a bit of a fraud, but the doctor said that when you are over 70 (
) these sort of things should always be checked out.
So today will probably involve snoozing in the chair and early to bed!